Sunday, January 3, 2010

First run of 2010!!

Yippppeee did it feel good! Kev is all healed up so he went with me. I am absolutely 100% SO proud of him! He said it's the longest he's ever run and he did a really great job. K, Enough about him... it's also the longest I've run in a year. It felt really good, needless to say, I am so motivated and inspired to go further and further. By the end of the run I still had energy and believe I had at least 1 more mile in me, which is good because we really paced ourselves. Ko Olina is also a really nice area to run in, the ocean sounds amazing at night and the atmosphere is really relaxing and chill. I'm stoked because I got this new widget over there to the left... -------> to keep up with all my miles on here. It's a really cool website and I'm enjoying it so far. Another cool way to share my bests and totals with you all as I move along this journey. If anyone knows any other websites clue me in. I'm in absorbtion mode for new running info. I'm reading The Non Runners Marathon Guide For Women right now and I love it. Although I'm a relatively experienced runner and have been for awhile, I don't know a lot about serious distance training and I was sort of starting from scratch after having Scarlett. Anywho, tonight I realized that I am "Chipper Jen"... you gotta read the book. Basically Chipper Jen is the peppy, always happy, running, pain lover... yep that's me. I'm all like "I love this, this feels SO great" and Kev's like...."you're nuts"! It's cute! Back to Kev for a moment; it is so great doing this with him. I remember training before and wishing I could share how stoked I was with him and he could understand it, now he does and not only does he understand it, but I'm sharing the experience with him. I think this is going to be one of the funnest things we've ever done together (there goes my Chipper Jen-ness again!). Alright, don't really know what else to say on top of that... I've decided NOT to list my goals yet. I'm going to go through Jan and evaluate my goals as I go. Then, at the end of January, I'm going to lay them all out. I like this plan.

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