Thursday, December 30, 2010


This year I've decided to make a difference. I've decided that with all the money I spend on racing, why not make that money work for something.... like charities :) I'm a giver, I always have been. Show me a puppy, child, elderly person, or sick person and I'll show you my wallet. We've even "adopted" a homeless man on the corner we see all the time. He's our guy, we like him and he gets our spare change or sometimes our 5 dollar bills. As I was looking at the/my race schedule for California for 2011, I noticed something I normally don't - the charities. I've always seen the running groups and think it's really cool to be a part of that, but it's never dawned on me that I could do it too. So I am. My first run will be the Surf City Half Marathon on Super Bowl Sunday! I'm very excited because not only will I get to run this with a couple of really great family members, but also my goal is to raise $500 for The Run for Mobility!

You can click here to see my official fundraising page and donate and to also learn more about this particular cause!

One of the things I hope to accomplish this year by doing this is to become more aware of  the different causes all over the world. I know the major ones, but I'd like to become more educated on not only WHAT they are, but specifically WHAT DO THEY DO TO HELP? I believe awareness is very important, especially in the world we live in today. Can't wait to see where this journey will take me in 2011!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


I've learned that sometimes it's okay to make not yours goals. Sometimes it's actually a good thing. It's an important learning experience. You get to evaluate things you did right and wrong and things you can do diffferently and how to improve... or maybe if you did things just fine and it just didn't work out. I did not make my 25 point goal.... but I made it to 23 :) And I was really proud of myself.

I'm currently looking at the 2011 race schedule for California.... I like to do my traveling around races, so this is the point in the year where I do get to do some fun planning for the upcoming year. It's a very exciting time in my personal year because races excite me and give me a new push to be better at everything I do. When I'm running I'm just a better person over all :)

I only have one specific goal in 2011. No matter how many races I get in, or don't get in, I want to run a sub 2:00 half marathon. This goal will take work, but will be fun work and is a completely attainable goal. I have complete faith in myself that I can do it.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

HBBC Week 4

I know it's Saturday and not the beginning of the calendar week, but it's the beginning of WEEK 4 of the HBBC and I'm in full challenge mode.

Yes, I know this is crazy seeing that I have 14 people to throw a party for next Saturday night and it's an extreme understatement to say that I have a lot to do. Hi, My name is Sarah and I'm a serial over-achiever. Aaaaand I LOVE it!

So the number is 25. That's not a lot at all compared to some of the numbers on the challenge, but I don't care about them. This challenge is for me. To see what I can do, what I can achieve. I've got 4.5 already and intend on getting 6 more today with a run later.

I've been mainly sticking to Cardio X and running for my points, but this week I think I'm going to vary it up, we'll see how it goes. I wish you got points for glasses of water you drank a day cause I'd have boatloads of points! This HBBC challenge is some of the most fun I've had working out in awhile. A little spice to my workout life :)

The Ever Elusive Sleep

I wonder what it's like to just wake up. Ya know, just have your eyes open on their own in the morning and decide - "Hey self, I think I'd like to get up now"..... I have no recollection of what that's like. While I was talking to my sister today I thought about how nice it must be to do that. I mean, I know people without children are tired too, but I have no choice. If I stay in bed a little longer, mayhem could be downstairs in less than 5 minutes. Children would starve, fight, pour cereal all over the ground....

Last night I went to bed with visions of waking up rested, working out hard, making cookies and getting things done. A perfect Saturday! Instead, my poor daughter decided to scream from about 30 minutes after I laid my head down until 1:15AM... Poor girl, I have no idea what was wrong with her, but she seemed to just want to play.... too bad she doesn't understand the words - It is One Fifteen in the morning, dear! Because that could have solved our problem right there.

So, today, I will do my best. Because I know that in just a short time this will all be over. Scarlett will not need me in the middle of the night, I will look in on her and want to wake her up as I do sometimes with Noah. Also, I will try not to eat all of the cookie dough that is meant to make yummy cookies for family we love :)

P.S. If in fact, no one reading this gets any cookies, I apologize.... I'm only human ;)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Unproductive Centerpiece

Well as unproductive as a centerpiece can be anyway....

Whose idea was this anyway????? This thing is setting me back all the calories I'm burning.... but I do love the way it looks, even though it looks kind of weird in this pic, but whatever..... it used to be full, but thanks to the Farntastic Four, it's not.

Get Busy Tuesday!

As I'm typing my arms feel like jello, so if I mistype a lot I probably won't even go back and fix it...

I'm making up *read: punishing myself* for the over indulging, pidly 4 point earning weekend I had. :) Sure, the birthday party for my one year old darling neighbor was great, but did I HAVE to eat everything on the table? No... But did I? Basically :)

So this morning I laid my babe down for her nap and began hitting it HARD. I count of CardioX done and one half count of Arms&ShouldersX done.... equally me 6 points before noon ;) Not bad, I'm hoping I can get a jog in later and my last week's amazing feat of 10 points might become a more regular thing.
It's cake for me to get in CardioX or KenpoX while the babe sleeps, while still getting a shower and things done. A few weeks ago I would have never thought it possible.

Waking up early in the morning has helped make all this happen. There's something about the workout/healthy train that just makes you feel like SuperWoman and in all reality with the stuff I'm able to get in a 24 hour period I might actually qualify :) It's a cycle I like being in.

What now? Shower, get the feeling back in my arms, do some laundry, make some homemade pumpkin puree, and gather more recipes for my upcoming Christmas dinner for 14!!!!

On a side note, I finally started reading "Eat, Pray, Love" I know, I'm a bajillion year late on this one. I haven't even seen the movie, but I think the book will be great and a nice step away from all the running and parenting books I've been reading.

Happy Get Busy Tuesday!

Friday, December 3, 2010

10 - Update!

I did it! I was a little scared at the end when the hubby came home and wanted to relax and all, but he stuck by me and did the bath/bedtime deal while I went out and hauled my last 4 points in! It felt so great.

CadioX was a blast in the morning, I seriously love that workout! I think I did it more intensely than I ever have, like it was the last time I would ever be able to do it again. That always feels so good though, when you get done and you gave it EVERYTHING :)

AbRipperX was the same, I literally HATE Tony Horton by the end of that, but I know he has my best interest at heart. Hahaha!

I walked around eating little tomatoes, carrots, tangerines and a banana all day then made stir fry for dinner, MmmmMmmm!

I had completely forgotten that I walk AT LEAST a half mile a day taking Noah to school and back so since AbRipper is only 16 minutes and not 20 I thought that made up for it :)

My 4 miles were some of the best miles I've had in awhile. I'm getting used to running in the cold and my playlist was super fun last night so people probably thought I was crazy all running and dancing around. Sometimes my runs feel more like a night of dancing in my head!

When I got back I had the HUGEST adrenaline rush ever and couldn't quit babbling about how proud of myself I was and how awesome I felt. Which leads me to the conclusion that I should do this every week..... but only once a week because I am SORE this morning!

Thursday, December 2, 2010


Today is my day! Today I am setting a goal of earning 10 points in the HBBC! I've just been earning whatever points I naturally get in so far, but today I thought it would be fun to challenge myself since me & Letty don't have too many concrete plans!

Here's my plan:

45minutes of CardioX at my fullest steam will earn me 4- 4.5 points

20 minutes of ab work will earn me 1 point

Running 4 miles tonight will earn me 4 more

And eating all my fruits & veggies will earn me 1 to bring my grand total to......
