Monday, December 21, 2009

Random ramblings

    I had a much different experience for my 50 minute this week. One, it was my first run of the week(which means it's not my longest...*sigh*); Two, I had my IPOD :) (Note to self: must get new armband for IPOD!); and Three, I wasn't terrified when I set out. Mind over matter people; Mind over matter. It was a nice run. I didn't have to stop at all this time! Although, I did have a little sluggish moment around 35 minutes, but the club version of Waking Up In Vegas pushed me right through it! I can say I've been enjoying the Garmin. It takes forever to find a satellite sometimes but completely worth it. It's really Kev's but since he won't be back for a couple more days now that this cold has attacked him and the rest of my family I'll continue to borrow it. It's nice to see my pace and it really pushes me to keep it up and challenge myself. I did realize I don't really like running in the dark alone, I get disoriented. I've been looking into some short runs and all I can say for sure right now is there will definitely be a running of the Great Aloha Run again this year. What else?...? The Adventures in screaming at myself internally everytime I eat a bunch of crap are going well. We made a big grocery trip yesterday and I loaded up on all the good stuff I'll need to keep my energy up and myself on track. I always operate so much better right after a trip to the grocery store :) I'm madly in love with canadian bacon & cheese on a 100% whole wheat muffin for breakfast, I've been eating them for weeks now. It's like a super healthier version on the McMuffin. I did pick up some turkey bacon, I've been craving it. Mmmm, although Kev thinks it's pretty nasty, oh well! Anyways, I haven't stepped on a scale in over a month, I try not to and honestly the only one in the house is the one on the Wii fit. Maybe I will after this week. We'll see how the post-baby shedding is going. Training this time of year is kinda rough mentally, I mean, is running for an hour and being drenched in sweat what I really want to be doing with my evenings??... Sort of, but that's just the psycho running lover in me. I do miss my lazy evenings on the couch some, but that won't get me my goal... or get rid of these awful love-handles... Hmph! K, that's enough rambling for me for one night. I'll leave you with this great graphic I came across... So True!

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