This year I've decided to make a difference. I've decided that with all the money I spend on racing, why not make that money work for something.... like charities :) I'm a giver, I always have been. Show me a puppy, child, elderly person, or sick person and I'll show you my wallet. We've even "adopted" a homeless man on the corner we see all the time. He's our guy, we like him and he gets our spare change or sometimes our 5 dollar bills. As I was looking at the/my race schedule for California for 2011, I noticed something I normally don't - the charities. I've always seen the running groups and think it's really cool to be a part of that, but it's never dawned on me that I could do it too. So I am. My first run will be the Surf City Half Marathon on Super Bowl Sunday! I'm very excited because not only will I get to run this with a couple of really great family members, but also my goal is to raise $500 for The Run for Mobility!
You can click here to see my official fundraising page and donate and to also learn more about this particular cause!
One of the things I hope to accomplish this year by doing this is to become more aware of the different causes all over the world. I know the major ones, but I'd like to become more educated on not only WHAT they are, but specifically WHAT DO THEY DO TO HELP? I believe awareness is very important, especially in the world we live in today. Can't wait to see where this journey will take me in 2011!